Saturday, March 29, 2008

iPhone vs Blackberry Curve

Well, I certainly thought about a grandiose opening entry for my foray into the blogging world, but I figured that rather than boring you with an introduction of myself, I'd just start out with something that's on my mind today. Sounds a lot more fun and interesting doesn't it? :)

I'm sure over time, you'll figure out a lot more about me through my entries, but the fact that's relevant to this particular entry is the fact that I work at T-Mobile USA. And more specifically, I work at the corporate headquarters of this company, which I truly love, in Bellevue, Washington.

I'm D and I'm a Blackberry addict. There it is, I said it. :) I got my first Blackberry as a welcome gift when I started working at T-Mobile approximately 3 years ago. It was a 7100t, and since I have progressed to the Blackberry Pearl (a white T-Mobile version), and more recently the Blackberry Curve. And boy do I love my Crackberries! (More on that in a later post) Well something inside me has also wanted an iPhone since it was released. Well, with unlocking becoming so easy, I recently bought one and unlocked it for T-Mobile. Below is my comparison:

The iPhone is like that hot high school cheerleader. It's sexy as hell, but lacks the substance of the valedictorian The blackberry is like the bookworm, but with the Curve and the Pearl, and that fact it's extremely skinnable and adaptable, I would say that it's becoming the smart girl who's also hot.

'd give up the iPhone before I gave up the Curve. I had to think about that answer for 1 minute, but the iPhone is all flash and it has a gorgeous interface. And if I relied on it as my primary media player, I'd probably go with it. But I could NEVER live without my Blackberry. It just does too much in my life. And it's a whole lot easier to type on it. Besides, how could I make unlimited calls at home without the UMA that the Curve provides?

In the 2 months I've owned both, I worship the iPhone like it's some kind of an untouchable God(dess), but it's like idol worship. It is like the 'futurists dream'. The Jesus Phone if you will. I, however, am addicted to the Blackberry like Crack. There is a reason they call it the Crackberry. I can't see my life without it. Many times when I go out, I won't take the iPhone because it's just too beautiful for the places i am going LOL But you'd never catch me anywhere without the Curve. I'd turn around and drive back 10 miles to get it if I forgot it. I do love both though

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